19 Ekim 2011 Çarşamba

Marek Denko - 3D Artist

I would like to point out, the impact and power of 3D to the artforms of today.. Some may argue, the art value of 3D to some aspect. A 3D artists' most anticipated and important skills (next to creativity) definetly resolve around the abilitiy to convince every mind that what they see is actually real. And thats what the market and the film industry usually ask for. Creating your own worlds.

Here are some examples of 3D artworks from one of my favourite 3D Artist Marek Denko;

Check out more of his work from this link; http://marekdenko.net/

13 Ekim 2011 Perşembe

Product/Service - Name Suggestions

 Product/Service - Name Suggestions
Vurgun - Rakı/içki
Yeniçaba - vakıf/çevreci grup
İşim Siz - Banka/yatırımcı/sigorta
Zarlı Arsız - Kumarhane/Gece kulübü
Bilgiçek - medya takip şirketi
Beş El - Butik-kuaför-spa
Binkez - sigorta şirketi
Çevik - fotoğraf
Ölümlü - alkollü içki
Etkin - eğitim kurumu
Yakınçağ - kitabevi, kırtasiye
Yüksekler - eğitim kurumu
Keskin Sanat - sanat kırtasiye/araç/kalem vs.
Çukulaf - çikolata/şekerleme
Sırıtkan - Fotoğraf

12 Ekim 2011 Çarşamba

Karol Lasia - Khomatech

I always been feeling uneasy about what to expect from future, about where will I be in several years or so. Anyway, I decided to go look for graphic designers not very known or at least, not famous enough to cover all the web. While searching, I stumbled upon a 25 year old graphic designer, called "Karol Lasia". He seems to be doing a lot of work, for a large variety of well known magazines. Surprisingly, according to the rumours on the web, 3 years ago, he was as talented as he is today. Only a few years older.. and being working for such magazines and having an amazing portfolio. In my opinion, he definetly is among the youngest graphic designers to look up to and admire.

Here are some examples from his works;
Check out this link for more of his works; http://khomatech.com/

5 Ekim 2011 Çarşamba

Logotype, Symbols and Pictograms

 A logo(ideogram), is a graphic or a visual mark, mostly used in commercial means. It is used by communities and companies to be instantly recognized in the public. Such as the cross of Christianity, the crescent of Islam or just the M of MTV, the first letters of a professional sports team and so on.

The logo works as a body for the spirit of the company. Makes a company's or a community's ideals, corporeal to the public. It is very difficult to design a logo, takes a lot of effort of the company's marketing team, since it should be able to communicate with the target audience but also clearly stand out with the brand's ideals and values as well. Not to be confused with the logotype, though.

A logotype, is basicly a logo with letters and little design elements to it. The reason for it to hold such less elements is that, it should be easily readable and also stand out for itself. However, thats the challenging part, designing a logotype to be easily differentiated next to it's competitors (which also try to follow the same principles about logotypes) while trying to keep design elements at minimum. The famous logotype -and one of the most excellent-, is without doubt "Coca-Cola". Even though it has a significant amount of design elements to it, never fails to accomplish the task of making itself recognized instantly. In chinese or English, you can easily read it in any language which further signifies it's great success.

A pictogram is an another ideogram, which communicates with very strong graphical resemblance to a common event or a physical object. Pictrography is a form of communicating with -as the name suggests- pictorial and representitive drawings. Since the pictograms' of today, should always have the ability to communicate very clearly to most types of audiences, they are mostly kept very simple.

Visual Identity

Visual and corporate identity; as the term "identity" suggests, stands for the specific characteristics and persona of a company or a community. However, it is a lot more complicated than that.

A visual/corporate identity, is like a trademark, philosophy and internal structure of what the community/company stands for. It should be able to communicate clearly, bring itself into priority to the consumers/followers and make itself remembered by the public with it's true intentions and goals. For example, if an individual were to witness it, the person should immediatly remember what the community or the company stands for. It also makes the company easier to be recognized, in front of the internal or external stakeholders. Of course, a visual identity is not only for the eyes of the public.

The visual identity, holds a greater status in which community it belongs to as well. It helps and supports the ideals of the company or the community, producing a harmony between the employers and the employees, increasing the efficiency of the work-force.

To sum it up, a visual identity is the personality of a company. In the competitive global market, every company must earn credibility, differentiation, viability and respect by the means of designing a visual identity for themselves. What the company stands for? Who are they? Where will they be? All these answers should easily be seen in this identity. Failure to do so, might cause the company crumble beneath the feet of it's competitors. Since, no demands would occur for a company which puts such little effort to make itself known or to actually accomplish something. Greatest examples of successful visual identities can be observed in companies, such as Mcdonalds, Harley motorcycles, Electronic Arts...

A large amount of effort and work goes into the research of visual identities; the M of Mcdonalds suddenly makes us visualize the red and yellow fast food chain, the name Harley reminds us of the badass and exciting motorcycles, the EA of Electronic Arts makes us want to play video games more and more. It is indeed, a powerful asset in the professional world of business. And should never be taken lightly.